Q: One of our daughters wishes to become an editor. She is in the 6th grade, homeschooled. The girl has read voraciously since she learned to read (I'm talking a Brian Jacques size novel every two days for years now) and I am wondering if she will need extensive grammar to be prepared for this or simply a solid working knowledge of the English language. She is a good writer for her age. Please advise.
A: I would be reluctant to push her into extensive grammer at this age. I feel pretty good that, with her love for reading, that will come.
Let her continue to do what she loves. Encourage her curiosity. Let her explore a wide range of interests. Show her how to be skeptical without being cyncial. Snd help her get used to working with a wide variety of people.
These skills are even more important to editors than a good grasp of grammar.
Joe's right about important skills, but I strongly disagree with him about grammar. I got a strong foundation in grammar when I was in 6th grade -- thanks to a renegade teacher who was frustrated that the subject has pretty much been wiped out of American school curricula. It's helped me with journalism, sure, but it's also been a huge advantage elsewhere in life.
Posted by: CS | August 28, 2006 at 11:44 PM