Q: Thank you for your excellent advice of several weeks ago.
(I'm the writer/teacher who has been teaching college part-time for some time but has many clips from phase one of my career.) I am now a finalist at a weekly.
Are there online resources I can consult if an offer and salary negotiations approach? I do not know the market range in this area. It is a non-union paper in northeast Ohio.
Thank you for all your help.
A: There is not a lot of public data to answer your question. I looked at the posting by the Ohio Newspapers Association and found that no one posts salaries in their ads.
The best I could do was to go to hotjobs.com, put in the name of a non-union Ohio daily, specify "reporter 1" and it came back with something in the very low $30's. A weekly could be quite a bit less.
When you negotiate, know what you make now, what you can live with and where you'd like to be.
When money comes up, ask the editors about the range for people in the position you've applied for. Be sure to press for consideration for the experience you already have, even though it is not in journalism, because it is worth something.
As you bargain, keep in mind your needs for benefits, time off and training.
Good luck!
I'm considering doing a weekly column (appr. 800 wd) for a local weekly newspaper in New Mexico.
What is a fair amount to ask as payment??
Posted by: Diane | June 11, 2009 at 03:34 PM